KLIMATE helps to find exact live weather information in both centigrade and Fahrenheit by locating users location. So where ever you are cloud covers helps you.
* Redesigned UI for simple and blazing fast results generation
* More than 10 hours of weather information with icon illustrations.
* Video illustrations according to current weather report
* You can convert temperatures in both centigrade and Fahrenheit
* One week weather information with clean summary
* Sunrise and sunset timings
* Feels like information
* Weather information from advanced weather stations
* location names and many...
Special Thanks to
* Girija Alluri
* Haranadha Sarma Alluri
* Sunanda Alluri
* Velan Alluri
* Manikanta Vurakaranam ( For providing testing devices)
* Forecast Service providers
Disclaimer : If you have any objections with the app please email us at : [email protected]